Serves 3-4

Wheat flour - 1 Cup
Oat powder - 3/4th cup
Baking powder - 1 Tsp
Baking Soda - ½ Tsp
Milk - 1 -1 ½ cup
Vanilla Essence - 1 Tsp
Moringa Powder - 2 Tsps
Butter - 1 Tbsp
Honey / Brown sugar - 2-4 Tbsps
In a large bowl add the dry ingredients , followed by vanilla essence and milk gradually.
Keep mixing the mixture till it starts coming together , gradually adding milk or even warn water if required.
Once completely mixed keep the mixture aside for 5-10 minutes
Now heat a pan add butter , and add a spoonful of the mixture onto the pan to make small pancakes.
Once the edges of the pancakes show bubbles, or till its golden brown from one side flip it over. And let it cook till golden brown from the other side.
One of the ways to check if it's done is poke the pancake with toothpick and if it comes out clean then it's done and if not then cook for few minutes more.
Enjoy these pancakes with fruits and honey